Blemished blade Mini Cleaver - Mexican Blanket$175.00
$250.00 -
Large Paring - Maple w black liner$175.00
$200.00 -
SMUT - Black Micarta (Red Liners)$250.00
$300.00 -
Mini Cleaver - Grimace$175.00
$250.00 -
SMUT - Walnut$250.00
SMUT - Burnt Bourbon BarrelSMUT - Southern Man's Utility Knife Knife is 8...SMUT - Southern Man's Utility Knife Knife is 8.5" overall with a 4" blade. Made from NitroV Stainless Steel. Comes with a belt loop leather sheath for EDC.$325.00
SMUT - Black Micarta (Red Liners)SMUT - Southern Man's Utility Knife Knife is 8...SMUT - Southern Man's Utility Knife Knife is 8.5" overall with a 4" blade. Made from NitroV Stainless Steel. Comes with a belt loop leather sheath for EDC.$250.00
$300.00 -
SMUT - Black Micarta (Removable)SMUT - Southern Man's Utility Knife Knife is 8....SMUT - Southern Man's Utility Knife Knife is 8.5" overall with a 4" blade. Made from NitroV Stainless Steel. Comes with a belt loop leather sheath for EDC. The handles on this are removable.$300.00
SMUT - WalnutSMUT - Southern Man's Utility Knife Knife is 8...SMUT - Southern Man's Utility Knife Knife is 8.5" overall with a 4" blade. Made from NitroV Stainless Steel. Comes with a belt loop leather sheath for EDC.$250.00